How to Do a Cleansing Diet
Cleansing diets involve taking herbal supplements and eating healthy foods that are thought to encourage internal cleansing. Choosing the right cleansing diet will depend upon many factors, like your general health status and your specific goals. While many people pick cleansing diets because of their potential for quick weight loss, many more are finding that periodic cleanses are effective in elevating mood, energy and feelings of well-being. Follow these steps to learn more.
Things You'll Need:
Distilled water
Computer with Internet access
Cleansing diet products
Pick the Right Cleansing Diet
Learn more about cleansing diets at the "every diet" Web site (see Resources below).
Set aside a time period during which you'll be able to do your cleansing diet with minimum interruption to your everyday life and routines. The duration of a cleansing diet can range from 24 hours for a basic colon cleanse to 3 months or longer for an effective Candida cleanse.
Do a mini-fast, or a cleansing diet of a shorter duration, just to see how your body responds.
Compare the different types of cleansing diets both for effectiveness and its cost. Prices for complete programs can range from inexpensive to fairly expensive based upon the length of the program and the materials included. You can comparison shop for cleansing diet products using shopping engines at sites like (see Resources below).
Do Your Cleansing Diet Effectively
Save time and money by preparing most of your food in advance. Many diets contain dishes like brown rice or soup that can take a long time to make.
Take at least 1 hot shower a day. Scrub your body with a loofah or sponge. It will help the circulation of blood and allow your body to dispel toxins much quicker. A sauna will also help to accelerate a body cleanse.
Drink at least 7 to 10 glasses, each 8 oz., of purified or distilled water every day. Many cleansing diets can cause irregular bowel movements or even diarrhea and can lead to dehydration.
Tips & Warnings
If you choose to purchase a commercial cleansing diet product, be sure to read the package directions carefully. Many products advise that you only stay on the program for a certain period of time or that you not exceed certain dosages.
Discuss with your doctor the potential benefits and hazards of starting a cleansing diet, specifically if you're being treated for a specific medical condition or if you're taking prescription medication. Some medications can interact negatively with some foods and supplements.
Be prepared to seek immediate medical help if you become disoriented, faint or experience heart palpitations during a cleanse.
Cleansing diets involve taking herbal supplements and eating healthy foods that are thought to encourage internal cleansing. Choosing the right cleansing diet will depend upon many factors, like your general health status and your specific goals. While many people pick cleansing diets because of their potential for quick weight loss, many more are finding that periodic cleanses are effective in elevating mood, energy and feelings of well-being. Follow these steps to learn more.
Things You'll Need:
Distilled water
Computer with Internet access
Cleansing diet products
Pick the Right Cleansing Diet
Learn more about cleansing diets at the "every diet" Web site (see Resources below).
Set aside a time period during which you'll be able to do your cleansing diet with minimum interruption to your everyday life and routines. The duration of a cleansing diet can range from 24 hours for a basic colon cleanse to 3 months or longer for an effective Candida cleanse.
Do a mini-fast, or a cleansing diet of a shorter duration, just to see how your body responds.
Compare the different types of cleansing diets both for effectiveness and its cost. Prices for complete programs can range from inexpensive to fairly expensive based upon the length of the program and the materials included. You can comparison shop for cleansing diet products using shopping engines at sites like (see Resources below).
Do Your Cleansing Diet Effectively
Save time and money by preparing most of your food in advance. Many diets contain dishes like brown rice or soup that can take a long time to make.
Take at least 1 hot shower a day. Scrub your body with a loofah or sponge. It will help the circulation of blood and allow your body to dispel toxins much quicker. A sauna will also help to accelerate a body cleanse.
Drink at least 7 to 10 glasses, each 8 oz., of purified or distilled water every day. Many cleansing diets can cause irregular bowel movements or even diarrhea and can lead to dehydration.
Tips & Warnings
If you choose to purchase a commercial cleansing diet product, be sure to read the package directions carefully. Many products advise that you only stay on the program for a certain period of time or that you not exceed certain dosages.
Discuss with your doctor the potential benefits and hazards of starting a cleansing diet, specifically if you're being treated for a specific medical condition or if you're taking prescription medication. Some medications can interact negatively with some foods and supplements.
Be prepared to seek immediate medical help if you become disoriented, faint or experience heart palpitations during a cleanse.
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