Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to create your own custom perfume line

How to create your own custom perfume line

It's not as difficult as you think to create your own custom perfume line. Just follow these steps for marketing success and get help with manufacturing and the world is your oyster.


One of the best ways to market a Private Label fragrance is to add it to your existing business. If you already run a website, a clothing store, a gift shop, or any other retail business, you can add a fragrance line easily. Generally speaking a Private Label fragrance will be one of your higher profit items. Markups are typically 150-200%. Expect to make about $20 per bottle, minimum.


If you don't own a retail store or retail website, there are still plenty of opportunities. One of your best opportunities is to approach locally owned or smaller chain stores in your area. Then offer them your fragrance on a commission basis. Therefore, they pay nothing up front and have nothing to risk. Then when the fragrance sells you collect 50%-70% of the price depending on the deal you have worked out. In our experience, this is an excellent method to get your fragrance in stores. Once it starts selling you also have more leverage for better terms.


A grassroots and effective way to start your line is to sell to family and friends. You will be able to sell it face to face this way while allowing them to sample the product before purchasing. Then, they will tell their friends about it, and you will be spreading the word over time. If everyone that buys your fragrance tells two other people about it, soon you'll have a huge customer base. The key here is to make sure your customers are happy.


I'm sure you've heard of Avon right? How they work is to have representatives that organize "parties" that sell Avon products. You can borrow this idea for your fragrance line. Invite friends, acquaintances, and family to your home or office for a fragrance party. You'll be surprised how much fun everyone has, and how much perfume and cologne you sell. Once again, they will tell others, and the word will spread. You can also add representatives to your line so that they can throw their own parties. Simply offer them a fairly generous portion of the revenue (40-50%) and you should have no problem growing a network.


Another method is to create a website. The key here is to think of a niche product, target audience, or way to market it. For instance, there is definitely a market for pet fragrance. Other target audiences could be teenagers, the gay and lesbian community, or senior citizens. Any part of the market that is under served by the large companies is a very good target for a Private Label fragrance website.


For the more ambitious, you may want to approach companies about licensing their name and attaching it to your fragrance lines. Perhaps you have a great idea for a fragrance for the African American market. What you may want to do is approach a clothing company, record company, or famous/noteworthy individuals that cater to the African American community to license their name and logo. The same could be said for any market, from alternative
to classical music. It's not easy to work out these deals, but if you can, you have instant branding and name recognition.


Last but not least, you can try for the nationwide stores. Anywhere from Macy's, to Wal-Mart, to Walgreens, and everything in between. While this can bring the highest revenue, we do caution you that without a history of sales, it will be very difficult for you to convince them to carry your fragrance. Now if you have a friend, family member, or business associate in an important position working for a major chain, you may have a shot. For everyone else it's best to start with the other methods, and then later expand into this market.

Tips & Warnings

Now that you know how to market your line, it's time to have it made. I suggest,, they are experts on custom perfume and cologne. Here you can pick the scents that go in your fragrance, the bottle, your name to be printed on the bottle, and the color. Then they do all the work!

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